Alice Shaw Elementary School is located in Orcutt, CA. It is a public school that serves approximately 500 students in grades TK-6 following a traditional calendar.
Alice Shaw School is a place where a dedicated staff, supportive parents, and enthusiastic students form a partnership that ensures educational achievement, communication and safety within a rich learning environment!
We are focused on providing a standards-based, challenging curriculum as well as a warm, enriching school environment. Ongoing evaluation of student progress and achievement enables us to refine our instructional program so that all students are challenged to meet their maximum potential. Life skills are targeted and enrichment opportunities are offered to guide children to achieve academic success and acquire positive social skills. Family fun events are regularly scheduled to provide a community atmosphere for our families.
We take great pride in Alice Shaw School and welcome everyone to join in our ongoing efforts to guide students to become responsible, successful citizens and lifelong learners.
December 16, 2024
[Tuesday, Dec 17 at 3:30 PM] Don't forget to get dinner at Habit Burger tonight!
December 11, 2024
The Orcutt Childrens Arts Foundation is thrilled to announce its upcoming Roaring 20s Gala! Step into an evening of elegance and vintage glamour, where well celebrate our shared commitment to supp. . .
Our mission is to ensure that all students learn by creating a community that focuses on student learning, by working collaboratively and by maintaining high expectations.
Dedicated staff, supportive parents, and enthusiastic students ensure educational achievement, communication and safety
We are focused on providing a standards-based, challenging curriculum as well as a warm, enriching school environment
Ongoing evaluation of student progress and achievement enables us to refine our instructional program so that all students are challenged