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Alice Shaw Elementary

Home of the Shaw Eagles!

March Newsletter

Posted Date: 3/18/25 (9:44 PM)

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Shaw Newsletter
March 18, 2025
Front of school

​Welcome to our monthly newsletter, a vibrant reflection of the happenings and achievements within the Shaw community. This edition brings you a roundup of news, events, and updates, keeping you connected and informed about our collective journey in education.
The window for standardized testing is now open!

Students in grades 3 through 6 will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment as part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP).
Please help us to help your children do the best to SHOW WHAT THEY KNOW. Students will be able to do their best on these assessments when they:

1. Get a good night's rest - Please have your children go to bed early enough to get 8+ hours of sleep.

2. Eat a healthy breakfast - Please have your children eat a health breakfast containing healthy food group choices. Cereal with milk, toast with peanut butter, fruit and yogurt are all good choices. Remember that breakfast is served in our cafeteria every morning beginning at 8:05 am. 

3. Give the test your best - Remind your child that this is their chance to show what they know and the test is measuring what they have learned and are able to do.

 IMPORTANT: We are asking that you please limit classroom interruptions (tardies, calls with messages, lunch drop offs, etc.) during this period, and please schedule appointments for your children outside of school hours or in the afternoon (after lunch). Thank you for your help with setting our Shaw students up for success!

We are looking for Substitute Teachers!
Come join our team!
Description of Substitute job
Substitute Teacher Application
Don't forget to order your yearbook!
Her is the link for online orders:

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Yearbook Orders
6th grade Outdoor School
6th grade Outdoor School is quickly approaching. All payments are due on or before March 21st. Please follow the link below to register your child. This must be done before your child can go to camp.

OUSD Student Dress Code Reminder
OUSD Student Dress Guidelines

Students attending school must be clean and presentable. All clothing must fit; shall be neat, clean, and acceptable in repair and appearance; and shall be worn within the bounds of decency and good taste as
appropriate for school. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. Each school principal reserves the right to determine and enforce appropriate dress at school and at school sponsored events. School principals or designees may prohibit any apparel, accessory, hairstyle, or cosmetic, even if not specifically mentioned below, that

1. Creates a safety concern
2. Draws undue attention to the wearer
3. Detracts from the learning process
4. Causes disturbances among other students
5. Is considered gang-related
6. Includes hate speech or vulgarity
7. Promotes illegal activity including drug, alcohol, and tobacco use.

Specific Dress Guidelines Clothing

• Students must wear appropriately sized clothing that protects and covers personal body parts including midriff
• Sleeveless shirts are permitted provided that they have straps of at least 1 inch
• Students’ lower garment (pants, shorts, skirts, dress) must be worn at the waist and extend to
mid thigh. Lower garment should feature no rips above mid-thigh area
• Pajamas are NOT permitted.
• For physical education activities, students must wear appropriate shoes for their safety and comfort
• Students should wear closed-toe footwear with a closed heel or strap and a hard sole.
Soft-soled/open shoes (such as Crocs and slippers) are NOT permitted
• Students may wear hats, including religious headwear
• Helmets, hoods or other headgear that obscures a student’s identity (except as a religious observance) may not be worn; hoods that obscure a student’s ears may not be worn in class
• For identification purposes, a student’s face must be clearly visible, including when taking
school photos; this may require removal of a hood and/or hat
Makeup is not allowed at elementay
Arrival & Dismissal Information Reminder
● Once on school grounds, students may NOT leave campus without authorization from the office.
● Students are allowed on the school grounds no earlier than 8:15 a.m. Students need to wait in designated areas until before school recess begins at 8:15. If your child needs supervision before that time, on-campus child care is offered through the district’s Campus Connection Program.
● Students and Parents must use designated crosswalks to cross the street. Please do not call your child across the street or encourage them to cross outside of the crosswalk. Please use the crosswalk in the parking lot. DO NOT cross in between the cars.
Electronic Devices Reminder
Cell Phones, electronic toys, musical devices/watches with internet access, and/or electronic devices of any kind may not be used on campus. Electronic devices must be turned off (not on vibrate) and stored in a backpack during the school day. The only exceptions are for students who are using them as needed for a medical device or with permission and supervision of teachers or child care providers for a specific time period. Students who bring such devices are doing so at their own risk. The school will not be responsible for investigating missing electronic items. Alice Shaw is not liable for any loss or damages that occur to personal items. Inappropriate use of electronic devices will result in the device being confiscated (to be collected from the office by an adult) and the student not being allowed to bring the device to school and other possible discipline.
Transportation to/from School
Kindergarten through 3rd grade will enter/exit school from the double gate entrance facing Hillview. 4th-6th graders will enter/exit school using the large double gate on Dahlia.

By Car Parents may use the left lane through the parking lot on Hillview to drop students off in the morning. Please do not park or exit your vehicle in a non designated parking place. For safety reasons, the parking lot facing Hillview will be closed at dismissal. Alice Shaw has multiple buses come in and out in the loading zone. Please do not park or load your children in the bus zone on Dahlia.

The California Highway Patrol would like to emphasize the following rules:

1. Drivers should not drop off or pick up students while in the roadway. Drivers must pull over to the curb to let out or collect their children.
2. Drivers may not park/stop in the middle of a crosswalk to drop off or pick up students.
3. Drivers may not let out or pick up students at a stop sign.
4. Drivers may not stop– even momentarily– in any red zones.
5. As per state law, drivers may not use handheld cellphone devices while operating a motor vehicle.